Ever hit that share button and really wanted to just store the file on your phone?
That meme that you send to your friends that would be great in your reaction image folder.
That photo you want to hide in a secret folder.
Well look no further!
Set up any number of locations on your mobile, and save to them with a single click when using Android's share feature.
* No sign up
* No requests to rate the app
* No trail periods
* No paid upgrades
Pernah memukul bahwa tombol share dan benar-benar ingin hanya menyimpan file di ponsel Anda?
meme yang yang Anda kirim ke teman-teman Anda yang akan menjadi besar di folder image reaksi Anda.
foto yang Anda ingin menyembunyikan dalam folder rahasia.
Yah tidak terlihat lagi!
Mengatur sejumlah lokasi di ponsel Anda, dan simpan ke mereka dengan satu klik bila menggunakan fitur share Android.
* Tidak ada sign up
* Tidak ada permintaan untuk menilai aplikasi
* Tidak ada periode trail
* Tidak ada upgrade dibayar
Ever hit that share button and really wanted to just store the file on your phone?
That meme that you send to your friends that would be great in your reaction image folder.
That photo you want to hide in a secret folder.
Well look no further!
Set up any number of locations on your mobile, and save to them with a single click when using Android's share feature.
* No sign up
* No requests to rate the app
* No trail periods
* No paid upgrades